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M35a2 Serial Number Location

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M35a2 Serial Number Location

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Well I live in Texas and I went today and got insurance I gave them the VIN number and told them it was a 1970 Kaiser M35A2.. I sent them to him He called me back and told me it would be $1 79 a month for no restriction liabilty insurance.. If any depot work has ben done on the truck, they affix a metal triangular plate that is usually pop riveted.. That does not mean that it was put in the truck at that time, it might have sat at the rebuild depot or in storage until needed. HERE

number location

Forrest, The number that I believe you are citing is on your dash plate It is a mixture of the contract number and serial number of the truck.. Hope this helps, Kevin Another technique, David Doyle told me to look at the tags on the axles, Transfer and each of the wheel rims.

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Find the earliest average and your likely to have a year Engines and transfers are frequently changed out, Transfers less so, and axle housing even less, unless major Depo rebuild.. There is no 'code' in it that will tell you the year The serial number of the truck is stamped on the vertical part of the frame on the driver's side just ahead of the front wheel.. He said ok and called me back Said he need pics of the front, rear, inside and motor. HERE

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It might say that it meets all the applicable emissions and give a year If the engine has been overhauled, it will have the year that it occured.. 1970 AM GENERAL M35A2 6 x 6 2-1/2-Ton Cargo Truck, VIN-3913082, 155'WB p/b CONT.. On the driver's side, look at the part of the cab that the right side of the door covers when it is closed. 0041d406d9

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The wheel rims (if matching a few years) would have had tires swapped out and not complete rims unless it was another unique switchout situation. Click